Infographic:A Brief Guide to the BIM Quality Assurance and Validation Checklist
3D BIM Modeling Services is a new way of designing and documenting varied building structures. It is a visual representation of a building structure’s physical and functional characteristics. To ensure a smooth and safe construction, Quality Assurance and Validation are performed post-completion of every BIM modeling project. The purpose of the same is to check the various levels of a BIM model to see if it meets the required BIM standards and codes and to eliminate potential project errors. The BIM model is thoroughly inspected for any sorts of conflicts and inconsistencies so that you get the modeled output that is accurate, well-coordinated, and ready to use for the construction.
The BIM QA/QC checklist is a tool that creates an organized process, helping you to encounter and resolve clashes and overlaps, maintain repetitive activities, assist the team with their core tasks and responsibilities, and foster a good design model for a smooth and hassle-free construction. The BIM QA/QC checklist varies as per the project, but the ideal outline is explained in the below infographic.