We incorporate varied BIM dimensions to provide you with an information-rich BIM model. Our team holds expertise in delivering quality 4D to 7D BIM Services. BIM is not just limited to 3D modeling nowadays. Its fundamentals have expanded quite well in terms of catering to the level of information prior to the construction phase. BIM dimensions- 4D, 5D, 6D, and 7D outlines the heterogeneity of the data associated with different stages of design modeling. These dimensions intensify the information for better visualization, clarity, and understanding of any complex project. Each dimension holds its importance and depicts an essential fragment of information like project timelines, costing, maintenance, sustainability, etc. This intuitive overview helps the architects, engineers, contractors, and other relevant AEC industry professionals involved in a particular project collaborate well and stay connected at every single phase, from planning to actual implementation.
BIM 3D model showcases more of the project's geometrical and graphical information. This is the most common BIM model type, representing the three dimensions, x, y, and z, of a structure. It gives an overview to the clients of the project before it commences.
BIM 4D: Construction Scheduling
4D BIM Services exhibits the information relating to timelines, scheduling, sequencing, and task durations of the project. This data segment in the BIM model helps understand the project's evolution over time and how long the project will take to complete. This helps in planning and optimization and also avoids costly delays and the need for revisions. 4D Scheduling Services depicts the entire construction model plan with specific work schedules. With 4D representation, the data is linked to the particular component of the model, making the depiction clearer about the project lifecycle.
BIM 5D: Cost Analysis
5D BIM encompasses the information pertinent to monetary terms like cost estimation and budget analysis of the particular project. It helps stakeholders analyze the model components' costs in real-time and the overall cost incurred over time in construction activities.
BIM 6D: Sustainability & Energy Analysis
6D BIM Services caters to the information relevant to the sustainability and energy efficiency of the project. This helps in evaluating the economic, social, and environmental backgrounds. The data is synced to make a particular prediction about the structure's self-sustainability and the consumption of energy pertaining to the specific project. Thus, the 6D BIM model helps improve operational management facilities, thereby focusing on reducing energy consumption. This fundamentally mentions the manufacturer's specifications, installation date, configuration details, maintenance information, and energy-relevant details.
BIM 7D: BIM Facility Management Services and Operation Management Services
BIM 7D illustrates operations and facility management information of the building components. This data in the BIM model allows clients and project supervisors to track every part's data say warranty, status update, technical details, and installation & maintenance journals that can be referred to in the near future. 7D BIM holds every particular relevant to effective operations, improvements, and maintenance of a building structure at a single place within the information model. This helps deliver quality service throughout the entire project's lifecycle, from design to demolition.
We have expertise in developing a detailed BIM model covering all the dimensions per the project's need